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cieca __________________
collision industry electronic
commerce association PO Box 74404, Romulus, MI 48174 (734) 699-0097 Fax
October 29, 2001
For More Information call:
Roger J. Cadaret, Executive Director
(734) 699-0097 (734) 697-2093 FAX
Jim Laning, long time CIECA Trustee and volunteer leader, announced that members of the industry are invited to join CIECA in its new effort to define the requirements and identify best practices to ensure secure electronic communications within the industry. Mr. Laning who works as a Claims Consultant in State Farm Insurances corporate office, said: "Our work in the Collision Industry Conference Data Issues Task Force clearly demonstrated there are risks to be addressed such as privacy, security and integrity of business information, and data ownership. And, all of these issues must be addressed in the context of making electronic commerce efficient and cost effective. This is a challenge for all of us, and CIECA has recognized this for some time. Using the work of the Data Task Force as a starter, the Board of Trustees recently decided to assemble the CIECA Security Subcommittee."
The CIC Data Task Force was formed early this year to address the suggested need to encrypt data traded between collision shops and insurers. Laning chaired this task force, and led it to completion of the encryption issue, but identified numerous concerns that still need to be addressed by the industry. One of these concerns is the imposition of heavy responsibilities on financial institutions (insurers) by the federal government through the Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act of 2001. This act is the latest attempt by the U.S Congress to assure privacy of personal information for all citizens, and it squarely includes insurance information.
Laning went on to describe the intentions of the Security Subcommittee whose mission he stated is "To assist the collision industry in identifying, and managing data or business information security risk that may threaten the welfare of the industry or consumers. Security management must include protection for consumer data, without unduly hampering the efficiencies of electronic commerce transactions." When asked about the subcommittees plans, he said; "We do not intend to invent anything unless absolutely necessary. We believe there is a wealth of knowledge already available out there, and we intend to find it and determine what best applies to our industry. Always in the back of our mind will be the efficiency and cost effectiveness needed by all those planning to use electronic commerce in this industry."
CIECA assists the Collision Industry in the effective use of electronic commerce and the National Information Superhighway. It is directed by a Board of Trustees and has offices in Michigan. Its members jointly work on Action Teams addressing standards for Electronic Data Interchange, Interoperability and Imaging.
CIECA addresses Electronic Commerce problems on a national scale. It has
developed processes for identifying and prioritizing industry issues,
establishing Action Teams to design solutions, and then working these solutions
through the broadest base of acceptance mechanisms possible, such as the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
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