ACH: Automated Clearing House. Facilitating financial exchanges.
AGGREGATE: A container for housing individual data elements and/or additional sub-containers. Aggregates are represented in the BMS as tables whose rows are their constituent elements/sub-containers.
API (Application Program Interface): A language used between applications that do not otherwise communicate with each other.
APPLICATION INTERFACE: The software component that transfers electronic transactions between application systems.
ASC X12: American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee X12 is the body designated to develop EDI standards.
ASYNC: Asynchronous communications – an Asynchronous Request/Response is when a sender sends a request to a receiver and does not wait for a response.
AUTHENTICATION: A mechanism that allows the receiver of an electronic transmission to verify the sender as well as the integrity of a transmission’s content.
BANDWIDTH: Communications power; measured by how many thousands or millions of bits of data can be transferred over computer networks per second.
BMS: The CIECA BMS is used for the exchange of collision industry messages and data across multiple organizations and networks. The CIECA BMS is extensible and designed for future growth. The BMS provides the data security required for today’s business environment. It allows organizations to transmit only the data required for the application (for example, repair status) without transmitting “un-needed data.”
CLIENT: A computer used to make requests for data from a larger computer. Clients most often are PC’s, but they can also be laptops, hand-helds or hefty machines called work stations. The term is also applied to the software that runs the PC’s.
COLLISION: A type of Loss if damage to an insured vehicle results from impact with another vehicle or object. Usually abbreviated as COLL or COL.
COMPREHENSIVE: A type of Loss if damage to an insured vehicle results from something other than collision (e.g. fire, hailstorm or vandalism).
COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Pictorial representations such as diagrams, drawings, or charts generated on a computer.
CONFIGURATION: The specific combination of hardware and software being utilized in a personal computer application, or the selected parameters that determine the operation of a device.
CONFIRMATION: A notification that the transmission has been received by the intended receiver. This is normally a Response message, or RS. The confirmation may also include synchronous data beyond the minimal confirmation.
CONTROL ENTRY: Any Damage Entry that contains a Guide Number.
CONTROL LOG NUMBER: The log number assigned to the transaction used to initiate the original Estimate (or Schedule) is the Control Log Number.
DATA BASE: Integrated file of information organized for access and retrieval.
DATA DICTIONARY: The publication that defines all of the data elements which are utilized by the standards. The most widely used data dictionary for EDI is the JEDI dictionary.
DATA ELEMENT: The basic unit of information in the BMS standards. A Data Element may be a single character code, literal description, or numeric value.
DATA MAPPING: Identifying the relationship between a user’s data and a message syntax.
DATA TRANSMISSION: A communications event where data is transmitted from one device to another.
DEFAULT: The standard choice, option or selection automatically used by a computer program unless changed by the user.
DIAGNOSTICS: A specific software or hardware procedure designed to verify a computer’s operation and identify reasons for failure.
DOMAIN NAME: A generic internet name or identifier such as “cieca.com”.
DOWNLOAD: A method of data transmission whereby a computer receives data from another device (i.e. a host or personal computer).
DRIVER: Specific software that enables and controls the interaction of a device (e.g. a printer) with a computer program.
EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer. Information passed between banks that results in debits and credits, i.e. value transfer between participant accounts.
ELECTRONIC COMMERCE: Also known as E-commerce, is trading in products or services using computer networks. The application of all technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes used between trading partners, and is a higher level term that encompasses a broad spectrum of technologies.
EMS: Estimate Management Standard that was developed to support the exchange of estimate data between an estimating system to a body shop management system. The EMS format is a flat file format. This has not been updated since 2002, however it is still in active use.
ENCRYPTION: The encoding and scrambling of data. Data is encrypted at the sending end and decrypted on the receiving end through the use of a predetermined algorithm and unique key. Encryption is done for reasons of information privacy and security.
FACTORY PROVIDED: All standard and optional vehicle parts installed at the factory by the original manufacturer of the vehicle.
FIELD: When used in a CIECA context means the same as data element
FIELD INSPECTION: An inspection where the estimator
FILE: A collection of information stored on a disk (e.g. document, a system file, or an application).
GB: Abbreviation for gigabyte (in relation to computers); represents 1,000 KB or 1,000,000 bytes
HARDWARE: The physical components of a system (i.e. mechanical or electrical).
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized programming language used to create web pages and documents. Hypertext refers to the ability of a browser to jump from one website or page to another.
INCLUDED OPERATION: Any operation (e.g. removal and replacement of a part) completed in its entirety while performing another separate operation.
INSURED: The person purchasing the insurance policy from the insurance company.
INTERFACE: Boundary where two or more devices interact, or a program enabling separate elements to work together and/or transfer/transmit data between.
INTERNET: The unaffiliated collection of computers all over the world that conform to TCP/IP protocol and support the flow of internet communications. The Internet was founded by the education community when agreement was reached on a protocol that would allow communication between computers with no existing relationship between the machines or their owners, other than the use of the standard protocol.
INTRANET: A private equivalent of the web. Companies store data or documents on their web sites making it easy for employees to find information using standard web browsers rather than special purpose database programs.
IP: Internet Protocol, the technical language and ground rules that form the basis for computerized communication. The Internet is all networks that speak IP (more formally known as TCP/IP).
ISO: International Standards Organization. Responsible for development of international standards.
JAVA: A programming language from Sun Microsystems Inc. that makes it easier to create programs that once written can run on any computer with special “virtual machine” software. Java inspired tiny “applets” which are tiny application programs that are electronically downloaded to PC’s as needed.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Definition: is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML.
KB: Abbreviation for kilobyte (in relation to computers); represents 1,000 bytes.
LABOR RATE: The dollar amount applied to flat rate labor (time) specifically quoted in dollars per hour by labor category (frame; mechanical/electrical; refinish; sheetmetal).
LAN: Local Area Network; a data communication network which is typically geographically limited (under 1 kilometer), and allows easy interconnection of computers and peripherals in the same or adjacent buildings. Ethernet and FDDI are examples of standard LAN’s.
LIABILITY: A type of Loss resulting from damage or injury one individual causes to another for which the first individual is legally liable. Abbreviated LIAB.
LOGIN & LOG OFF: Typing a username and password or designated work before starting to use an application and typing another to indicate when you are finished.
MANUAL ENTRY: A damage entry for a part or operation that is not assigned a guide number.
MARKUP: XML data, a .xml file, the data together with its tags
MEMORY: The place in the computer that (temporarily) stores information while you are working with it.
MENU: A list of options or commands in a computer program visible on the screen.
MENU BAR: The horizontal or vertical strip at the top/side of the screen that contains menu titles.
MESSAGE: An XML formatted record that is exchanged between trading partners. Currently CIECA users of the BMS use XML messaging.
MULTI-LEVEL ASSEMBLY: The combination of two or more assemblies, plus related component parts, that are sold by the manufacturer under one part number.
NAGS (NATIONAL AUTO GLASS SPECIFICATION, INC.): An organization that specifies, certifies, and publishes pricing for automotive glass.
NETWORK: A group of terminals, computers, and other equipment that uses communication channels to share data.
NON-OEM: All parts that are considered Aftermarket, Economy, and Salvage that are not made by the original manufacturer.
OEM (ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER): A new replacement part or accessory that is manufactured by and available through the vehicle manufacturer’s parts distribution network.
ORIGINAL PRICE: The part price effective on the date that an estimate was originally processed.
OVERHAUL: A type of flat rate labor that contains R&I and R&R labor plus time to completely disassemble and re-assemble an assembly (e.g. bumpers, suspension, drive axles, and steering).
PARTIAL REPLACE OPERATION: The partial replacement of a service part (e.g. quarter panel belt cut, molding kit, etc).
PASSWORD: Required code permitting an individual estimate preparer’s entry into protected parts of a program.
PERIPHERALS: Any item attached to the outside of the computer such as a printer, monitor, or keyboard.
PORT: A connection on the backor side of a computer to which are attached various peripherals.
PRELOAD: A feature that allows the estimate preparer to create reusable files with data common to many estimates (e.g. remarks, labor rates, etc.).
PRIMARY IMPACT: Indicates the area of the Loss vehicle that sustained the most severe damage.
PRINTOUT: Printed output from a computer.
PROGRAM: A special file on disk that contains instructions for the computer.
PROMPT: A symbol or a field where a command is given, information is entered or a choice (e.g., Y/N) is made.
PROTOCOL: Communication standards that determine message content and format, enabling uniformity of transmissions. Rules for transmission across a network.
R&I (REMOVE AND INSTALL): Refers to a flat rate labor for the removal and reinstallation of the same part or assembly (generally to gain access to another part).
RAG RULE: Because the Radiator, Air conditioning condenser, and Gas tank usually require removal from a vehicle when they are repaired, the automatic addition of the necessary R&I labor.
RATES: The percentage or dollar amounts applied to labor, labor tax and parts tax.
RELATED PRIOR DAMAGE: Damage to the vehicle that occurred prior to the current loss. When prior damage exists, the estimator determines an amount to be deducted from the cost to repair or replace the damaged part since the part was not in original condition when the current loss occurred.
REQUIRED: Those elements or aggregates that must be included in a message/transaction set according to the standards.
ROOT ELEMENT: The top hierarchy element under which all other elements are nested in an XML document.
SCROLL: To move what is displayed on a computer’s screen (e.g. a list, a document) so that a different part of it is visible. This can be done by using the page up and page down keys.
SEGMENT: A grouping of data. It is composed of data elements and is analogous to record.
SERVER: A midrange computer that stores file and programs use by other clients. Server is also used to refer to the software that runs on that computer.
SOFTWARE: Programs (or programs) containing instructions that control computer hardware.
SUBORDINATE: child, an element that is contained within another element in a containment hierarchy
SUPPLIER CODE (SPL CDE): A numeric code (i.e. 01, 02, 03 etc.) identifying the supplier(s) of each individual part. The supplier code is helpful when multiple suppliers are listed on the report.
SYNCHRONOUS: Request/Response occurs when a requestor sends a request to an endpoint and waits/blocks for a response. The data is typically contained within the request and any statuses or error conditions are returned with the response as well as any response data such as confirmation numbers or data state changes.
TAG: In self describing or “Tagged data” markup languages, a tag is the descriptor for a data element. In this example: “<FirstName>Becky</FirstName>”, “<FirstName>” and “</FirstName>” are the tags.
TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet)./Internet Protocol; the technical language and ground rules that form the basis for computerized communication. The Internet is all networks that speak IP (informally known as IP).
TRANSMIT: To send a transaction to another system by way of a modem.
TWO-STAGE PAINT: The application of a clear coat of paint over a base color coat of paint on an automobile.
UNRELATED PRIOR DAMAGE: Damage to a part of the loss, vehicle that was present prior to the current loss.
UPLOAD: A method of data transmission whereby a computer sends data to another device (i.e. a host or personal computer).
URL: UNIQUE RESOURCE LOCATOR, A registered web address such as http//www.cieca.com.
UUID: Universally Unique Identifier.
VARIABLE-LENGTH FILE: A file composed of segments and data elements (fields) that vary within minimum and maximum lengths; antithesis of fixed length fields. A data element delimiter is required to mark the end of the element and a segment delimiter character is needed to mark the end of the segment.
VIN: The vehicle identification number assigned to each automobile by its manufacturer to identify the model, year, production sequence and other vehicle specific information.
WELL FORMED: XML markup that has an end tag for every start tag and end tags for all child tags before the end tag for the parent.
WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW): The global collection of software systems available on the internet which consist of three basic elements; pages or web documents, computers that store them and make them available, and browser that navigate the web and display the pages.
XML: Short for eXtensible Markup Language, a specification developed by the W3C. XML is a pared-down version of SGML, designed especially for Web documents. It allows designers to create their own customized tags, enabling the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data between applications and between organizations.
XML SCHEMA: A special kind of XML document written according to the rules given in the W3C XML Schema specification. Schema documents have a file extension of .xsd (Xml Schema Document) and are used for validation of XML documents