Industry Relations

The following documents and reports were either produced by the CIC Insurer-Repairer Relations Task Force or are related to the work of this committee. Click on the appropriate title in order to read or download the document. If you wish to comment on any of these documents or reports, please email the chairman.

Industry Relations Presentations

2025-1Industry Relations: Collision Center Certification Updates, What Everyone Needs to Know – The Automotive
Manufacturer Certification programs continue to evolve during this panel you will hear from the Automotive Manufacturers and program administrators who will share any new requirements or changes to their Certification program, what new programs or initiatives are helping to educate consumer awareness about using a shop that is OEM Certified. 

2024-11Industry Relations: Risk and Liabilities in Collision Repair – Ever-increasing technological advancements in today’s increasingly complex collision repair space have created increased risks and liabilities for insurers, repairers, manufacturers and, most importantly, the consumer. A panel of industry experts will cover risks for the repair shop, consumer disputes, insurers, manufacturers, and best practices for mitigation.

2024-7Industry Relations: (OEM) Post Post Repair Inspection: What Lessons Stakeholders Can Address – A panel discussion of multiple stakeholders; from the consumer, OEM, a shop owner and industry association, who will provide insight into how we elevate the collision repair experience. Starting with highlights of the continued study presented in January, hear from a consumer whose vehicle is in the study and how it impacted them. Panelists will share improvement strategies to take away from the discussion.

2024-4Industry Relations: (Insurer – Repairer) Insights to Correct Calibrations – A panel of Industry experts considered early adapters in correctly calibrating vehicles, will dispel some of the common myths about calibrations, and reveal the processes they have implemented to perform safe and proper calibrations, and very importantly, what can happen if you don’t calibrate vehicles correctly.

2023-11Industry Relations: Processing The Claim- The Good, Bad and the Ugly – When a consumer has an accident, many steps can be challenging for the consumer, the insurer, and the repairer. The Panelists for this discussion will illustrate inefficiencies in the claims / repair process that cost time, money, and stress for all involved, and what might be solutions to improve the process.

2023-7Industry Relations: OEM Industry Relations: Shop Considerations for OE Certification: straight from the Horses’ Mouths – For this panel discussion, OE’s and OEM auditors will bring forward considerations every shop should be aware of in maintaining certification of their facility, and certified repairs. The panelists will talk
about repairer capability from their vantage points, as well as potential hurdles or missteps faced in the day-to-day management of repair processes.

2023-4Industry Relations: The Supplement Challenge – Most involved in the claims and repair sectors in the Collision Industry would agree that the supplement process is one of the biggest challenges in repairing cars properly, in an efficient manner, on time, and most importantly, satisfying the consumer. The Industry Relations Committee will ask a panel of repairer and insurer experts for their key thoughts on the supplement process, and how as an Industry, we might make strides towards process improvement.

2022-7Industry Relations:  Total Loss: The Art & Science of “Getting it Right” – Hear from industry experts who will share their perspectives on the importance to the consumer, the shop and the insurer in getting Total Loss handling right. As a panel discussion featuring a presentation from a valuation expert, several shop operators and an OEM will join to discuss potential solutions to the current market problems.

2022-4Industry Relations: Totals…Is the Industry at a Loss? Part II – A panel of industry veteran experts will summarize the primary issues facing the Collision Industry with the total loss dilemma and present some logical approaches that might result in a better alignment within the various industry segments, and most importantly with the consumer. Our departure point will be finding tactics stakeholders from repairers to insurers can explore together, for the benefit of mutual customers.

2022-1 Industry Relations (slideshow) Totals…Is the Industry at a Loss?

  • To view, click the link to download and view file in PPT Slideshow w/Quicktime Video enabled, and click on the slide to advance.
  • Tips: You can hover over any “black boxes” as videos to see Play button, then click outside of the box to advance slides.

2021-11-2IndustryRelations: ADAS – The Challenges [Jim Keller (1Collision & Jonathan Chase (CSSA Insurance)].  OEM Certifications & DRP’s – Can a Repairer Manage Having Both [Darryl Amberson].

2021-7IndustryRelations: ADAS Repair Discrepancies; How They Do or Don’t Get Resolved: Listen to a panel of successful collision repair shop owners and insurers talk about their trials and tribulations in identifying and resolving ADAS related challenges and issues at the repair planning process stage, and how those resulting decisions impact the two Industry segments, and most importantly the consumer.

2021-4IndustryRelations: ADAS-Building Stakeholder Trust in the Procedures: The presentation will focus on addressing three sub-topics; 1. Answering the question – once and for all – “Are following OE procedures necessary?”, 2. What happens when repairers don’t follow factory procedures?, and 3. Building trust in the process with documentation.  Featuring I-CAR, Techcellerators and Safelite Auto Glass.

2021-1IndustryRelations: The Challenges of ADAS: How do we improve trust? An interactive presentation discussing the challenges faced in the industry.

2020-11-IndustryRelations: Panel Discussion: The Pandemic, Lessons Learned and How Might Our Business Models Look Different in the Future”.

2020-7-IndustryRelations: Panel Discussion: Stakeholder review, Future discussions.

2020-1-IndustryRelations: Panel Discussion: A Year in Review – pre- and post- scanning, vehicle calibrations, certified repair programs.

2019-4-InsurerRepairerRelations: Panel Discussion: Understanding More About OEM Certification Programs

2019-1-InsurerRepairerRelations: Committee Review and Audience Polling for Future Work

2018-10-InsurerRepairerRelations: Panel Discussion: 3rd Party Claims Models & Processes

2018-8-Insurer Repairer Relations: “Future Proofing” Collision Repair… Overview of some repairer facility business model changes that may start to show up and how they could impact other stakeholders

2018-1-InsurerRepairer Relations: Committee Activities Review and 2018 Initiatives

2017-10-RepInsRelations: “OEM Procedure Issues” – I-CAR’s “How to escalate” & “Dash Light” clarification

2017-4-Rep-Ins-Relations: A Closer Look at Repair Procedures [Astalos]

2017-1-InsurerRepairer: Survey Review / 2017 Initiatives

2016-4-InsRep: Committee Update to CIC Body

2015-4-InsRep: Rental Repair Expectations & Customer Satisfaction Update

2014-7-InsurerRepairer: Rental Repair Expectations & Customer Satisfaction

2014-4-InsurerRepairer: Digital Imaging Update

2013-7-InsurerRepairer:  Training as it Relates to Insurer-Repairer Relations

2013-4-InsurerRepairer: (Special Presentation from Kim Hazelbaker, HLDI – Collision Avoidance and Mitigation Technology)

2013-1-InsurerRepairer: Beneficial Insurer-Repairer Relations: Issues not yet addressed

2012-11-InsurerRepairer: Vendor Selection Panel Discussion

2012-4-InsurerRepairer: Panel Discussion: Indemnification; Most Beneficial Relationships

Committee Chairs

Jim Keller,

Brandon Cruz, SCA Appraisal,


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