Special Presentations
The following documents and reports were either produced by the CIC Special Presentations or are related to the work of this committee. Click on the appropriate title in order to read or download the document. If you wish to comment on any of these documents or reports, please email the chairman.
Special Presentation Downloads
2025-1SpecialPresentationEmptyChair: [ppt show]: Consumer Focus: the CIC “Empty Chair” – Considerations of our industry interactions with the Consumer Segment, endeavoring for safe and quality repairs, and the representation within
the Conference.
2025-1SpecialPresentationWIN: [ppt show]: Special Presentation by WIN
2025-1SpecialPresentationCIECA: [ppt show]: CIECA API Standards (CAPIS), and the industry impact – The Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) will provide information about the latest CAPIS – the CIECA
API Standards – impact on various segments of the industry, as implementation rolls out as part of their mission to provide standards for data to be used for developing APIs and web services.
2024-7SpecialPresentationCREF: [ppt show]: It’s “Back To The School(s)” time w/ CREF
2023-11SpecialPresentationIndustryConsolidation: [ppt show]: Industry Consolidation….A Candid Conversation – In this powerful panel discussion, our CIC Chairman Frank Terlep will lead an All-Star panel to discuss the what’s really going on with industry consolidation as well as other potential options. Some of the topics that will be discussed are…Most recent consolidation statistics? What are the “real” deal structures? What are the “real” values being offered today? What are the “real” challenges? What other options are there for shops that want to remain independent and much more…
2023-11SpecialPresentationTechnicianCrisis: [ppt show]: The Technician Crisis: Tapping into the Technician’s Perspective – This will not be the typical
presentation on the technician crisis, simply outlining the problem of not enough new technicians entering a field already burdened by high turnover. This presentation will dig deeper into how the collision industry stacks up against other automotive verticals, and if there are lessons to be learned directly from the technicians on how we can shift attention to solutions that draw in and retain talent. With over 30 years of globally recognized research and benchmarking experience, research firm Ducker Carlisle will share their expertise in the technician space, detailing the results from a recent collision technician survey orchestrated by I-CAR and SCRS. The presentation will dig into the key drivers of collision technician satisfaction, their career goals and needs, and explain how those results compare with data collected from past technician surveys in other automotive sectors.
2023-4SpecialPresentationTechForce: [ppt show]: Storytelling, Resources for Filling Technician Shortages – During this presentation, TechForce Foundation will “show and tell” their free resources using marketing/storytelling, employer resources, and a career hub they have created to help both the industry nationwide and local shops, in particular. Everyone can access these free resources and all can become champions of the technician workforce. Too many don’t know that TechForce Foundation exists. We don’t need to start from scratch. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. We need to collaborate and leverage the solutions that already exist in order to impact results.
2023-4SpecialPresentationIIHS: [ppt show]:IIHS Update on Testing of EVs and ADAS Calibrations – Quick overview of the what’s and why’s about IIHS. Overview of ADAS and Calibration testing/results being performed by IIHS. An update on any new crash testing procedures based on new vehicle design and technologies. Overview of recent EV testing and results: Any changes in testing based on Covid and post Covid driving habits, Any info on testing results related to new vehicle construction and materials.
2023-1SpecialPresentation: [ppt show]: March Taylor Fund
2023-1SpecialPresentation: [ppt show, Dave Luehr]: Becoming the Employer of Choice in Your Market – Supercharge your business and attract the best employees: There are organizations who do not suffer from the so-called talent shortage. During Dave Luehr’s presentation you will learn the 5 Key Elements which makes these businesses Magnetic to the industry’s best talent. Be prepared to score your company’s attractiveness and have some fun!
2023-1SpecialPresentation: [ppt show, Mike Anderson]: Industry, Safety Systems Highlights – Man on the street, Mike Anderson’s captivating perspectives on the current state of the industry, insights into the frictions over safety systems, and industry fluctuation observations you won’t want to miss. Mike’s unique position in working with many segments of the collision space gives him the vantage for issues and stats he wants to share with the CIC body.
2022-11InsurerReportCard: [John Yoswick] Shops’ view of insurers isn’t “all about the money” – Every year, shops use CRASH Network’s “Insurer Report Card” to assign a grade to the insurance companies they work with based on each company’s claims handling practices. But the survey also shows WHY some carriers get lower grades than others – and the reasons are sometimes surprising. In some cases, some simple process changes by insurers could reduce some friction and improve shop-insurer relations.
2022-7I-CAR: -[John Van Alstyne] This is a special announcement from I-CAR on a new key industry initiative.
2022-4WIN: -[Kristle Bollins] Women’s Industry Network – Expanding their industry reach beyond conferences, the WIN leadership will give a presentation on education, the scholarship program, Most Influential Woman awards, and the Pay it Forward program.
2021-4OEMRepairRoundtable: – [Chris Caris] OEM Roundtable Industry Update – The OEM Collision Repair Roundtable and its automaker members have been an active part of the collision repair industry for nearly 25 years. The presentation with panelists will examine who the group is and the many ways it supports its mission to continuously improve the quality of collision repair available to vehicle owners.
2021-11-2CollisionEstimating – [Danny Gredinburg (DEG) & Roger Cada (Accountable Estimating)]
2021-11-2CREFSpecialPresentation – [Brandon Eckenrode] 69′ Camaro Fundraiser & Industry Awareness Campaign Project.
2021-7 SpecialPresentation – [Brandon Eckenrode / Max Hayes High School Collision] The Max Hayes High School Collision Program will be presenting to Amanda Berry – a local kidnapping survivor – the refurbished vehicle of her beloved grandfather, which holds special memories from her childhood.
2021-4 SpecialPresentation – CREF Update [Brandon Eckenrode]
2021-1 SpecialPresentation3 – A new and different wave of collision repair consolidation. Medium sized capital equity companies are entering our industry, buying or merging regional MSO’s. Jerod will talk about the trend, and how it works. (Jerod Guerin, Quality Collision Group)
2021-1 SpecialPresentation2 – New position statement on the definition of scanning from ASA, joining with SCRS and others (Mike LeVasseur, ASA Collision Div. Director)
2021-1 SpecialPresentation – Collision Industry Foundation, update to the industry (Petra Schroeder)
2020-11 SpecialPresentation – I-CAR ADAS Announcement (Nick Notte)
2019-11 SpecialPresentationSeebachan [Matthew and Marcia Seebachan, Jeff and Marie Peevy] Discussion about the human impact of poor repair decisions and not on the companies or individuals involved in the court case.
2019-11 SpecialPresentationQuality [James Spears, Erick Bickett, Andy MacDonald, Debby Robinson, George Avery] Panel discussion exploring the advantages/challenges with business decisions that can impact quality.
2019-11 SpecialPresentationHaiti [Tom Julius] Update on the Haiti Arise Project
2019-7 Estimating Committee [Roger Cada] Results of the continued work of the CIC estimating committee and will discuss the tremendous impact automotive technological changes are having on the estimating process and all stakeholders involved.
2019-7 Collision Industry Foundation Update
2019-7 March Taylor Memorial Fund Presentation [Jeff Hendler, Toby Chess]
2019-7 Department of Labor – Apprenticeships, Vet Programs w/Q&A [Roxann Griffith]
2019-7 Vehicle Security Access during the Collision Repair Process [Donny Seyfar – NASTF]
2019-4 I-CAR Update re: Governance
2019-4 Scholarship/Grant Presentation & CREF Shortage and Mentorship Update
2019-1 New CIECA Calibration Committee
2019-1 New Chairman Presentation [Jeff Peevy]
2019-1-CIF Collision Industry Foundation (CIF) – California Fire Relief Efforts [Michael Quinn]
2019-1 FCA Announcement A planned announcement from FCA about the FCA Certified Collision Network [Erica Schaefer]
2019-1 I-CAR Announcement I-CAR provides information on important upcoming changes for 2019 [John Van Alstyne, I-CAR]
2018-10-SP Yesterwreck“YesterWreck” – A History of the Collision Repair Industry in America [Gary Ledoux, Author]
2018-10-SP CIF Collision Industry Foundation (CIF), 2018 Hurricane Relief Efforts [Bill Shaw – CIF President, Michael Quinn – CIF Trustee & Chair of Disaster Relief]
2018-10- SP CREF “3M Company Hire Our Heroes Scholarship Recipient” [Brandon Eckenrode, Director of Development CREF] CREF Career Fairs, Special Presentation: Abagayle Boden
2018-8-Special Presentation Woman’s Industry Network (WIN) – Actions & Undertakings Update [Petra Schroeder – WIN Past Chair]
2018-8-Special Presentation NABC Activites Update, “Changing & Saving Lives” [Bill Garoutte-CEO, National Auto Body Council]
2018-4-Special Presentation Collision Industry Education Foundation, Featuring Student Guest Speaker [Brandon Eckenrode, Director of Development CREF]
2018-1-Special Presentation “YesterWreck” [Gary Ledoux, Author]
2018-1 Special Presentation 2018 Program Preview [John Van Alstyne, CEO/President, I-CAR]
2018 CIC Survey Data Presentation [Guy Bargnes] Industry Survey Results presentation; PDF of Results: 2018 CIC Survey Data
2017-10 Special Presentation“Update from Down Under” – Overview of the Collision Industry in Australia & New Zealand [David Newton Ross]
2017-10 CIFCollision Industry Foundation – Hurricane Harvey / Irma Disaster Relief Efforts [Bill Shaw, Michael Quinn]
2017-7-WIN The Benefits of Participating in Women’s Industry Network (WIN) [Louisa Martone]
2017-4-Special-CREFCollision Repair Education Foundation: Update on Events and Guest Speaker Annie Michalski [Brandon Eckenrode]
2017-1-SpecialPresent – CIECA BMS: Industry Standard or a New Way to Control and Centralize Industry Data? [Frank Terlep]
2017-1-Chairman’s Comments 2017 Planning Session – Chairman’s Comments
2016 CIC Planning Survey – Summary
2015-4-CIECAUpdate CIECA Update to the CIC Participants
2013-1-SpecialASE ASE Industry Education Alliance Update
2013-1-SpecialICAR Industry Announcements: I-CAR – [John Van Alstyne, CEO & President]
2012-11-SpecialToyotaEstimating Toyota Predictive Estimating -[ Jerry Raskind, Toyota Motor Sales and Rick Leos, Toyota Motor Sales]
2012-11-SpecialDownUnder Australia and New Zealand Update – David Newton Ross
2012-7-SpecialPartsTrader PartsTrader Demonstration
2012-7-SpecialMatrixWand The Matrix Wand