Talent Pool & Education Committee

The following documents and reports were either produced by the CIC Talent Pool & Education Committee or are related to the work of this committee. Click on the appropriate title in order to read or download the document. If you wish to comment on any of these documents or reports, please email the chairman.

Talent Pool & Education Documents



We are committed to working together with all facets of the collision repair industry with this goal: to provide information regarding useful resources, trends, observations, and ideas for educating and training current and future generations of successful collision repair employees.

Work Products


2024-7TPEducation [ppt show] – Core Skills, ASE Accreditation, and Academy Curriculum – Your voices have been heard, you asked for education focused on developing entry level technicians who are proficient in five key areas. ASE will explain their new collision repair accreditation area and the links to I-CAR Academy curriculum.

2024-1TPEducation [ppt show] – Special Presentation – Industry outreach video.

2023-11TPEducation [ppt show] Where are they now? Checking in on the Collision Engineering Program – This panel discussion will provide an update on the Collision Engineering program from the perspective on an administrator, instructor, graduate/entry level technicians, and an employer. We will also discuss how to engage with this program in your market.

2023-7TPEducation [ppt show] CollisionCareers.com: a Strategic Solution for ALL Segments of the Collision Industry – The CIC community agrees that the supply and demand for new technicians entering the field of Collision Repair is woefully misaligned, creating a potential existential crisis for our Industry. This presentation will  spotlight strategic solutions for Talent Attraction, Retention and Growth. We will walk through CollisionCareers.com, a site created for the Industry to raise awareness and
interest in the field of Collision Repair, and present additional tools and resources to assist you with marketing to, training of, and ultimately the promotion and retention of new and future technicians.

2023-1TPEducation [ppt show] Connecting Talent with Employers – One of the biggest challenges facing the collision industry is identifying and attracting qualified talent. This will be a discussion with Todd Grothe, Operations Manager, New Gates School discussing their unique business model that is producing entry level technicians and Dara Goroff, Vice President, Planning & Industry Talent Programming I-CAR demonstrating their new products designed to help connect talent with employers.

2022-11TPEducation How can you help yourself – Recruiting, Training, and Retention – This will be a panel discussion with collision shop representatives about things they are doing to recruit, train, and retain new talent. In addition, we will be discussing ways to connect with local educators and some things repairers can
do to help ensure local educational programs have what they need to provide students with the knowledge and skill necessary to prepare them for success.

2021-4TPEducation Employer & Educator Collaboration – We will provide an update on committee activity, share some recent video work completed by the committee and poll the committee regarding future activity.

2021-11-2TPEducation Help Me Help You: Educators and Repairers Working Together.

2021-7-TPEducation Entry Level Skills Training: The committee, with Kurt Lammon, will be providing an update on the work the committee has done to identify training available to support the “key” skills identified as necessary skills for an entry level technician.

2021-4-TPEducation Key Knowledge and Skill Training Progress: Highlighting the training available to support the key knowledge and skill areas identified by the industry for entry level technicians, with industry presenters.

2021-1-TPEducation Special Guest George Arrants, ASE, will present current survey data and statistics on people coming into the industry and technical colleges, and retention versus other trades. [Bud Center, Petra Schroeder]

2020-11-TPEducation Education & Talent Pool Committee [David Willett, Winston Cover]

2020-7-TPEducation Merging Talent Pool Committee with Education & Training Committee

2020-1-Education Entry-level Technician Task Expectations.

2020-1-TalentPool Committee Goals, Objectives, and ask for Help.

2019-11-Education Entry-level Training Committee – An ASE presentation and then a short interview of the Entry-Level Technician Task Expectations from the CREF Snapshot, a follow-up on the ASE Ed Foundation Survey and a discussion on Entry-Level tasks.

2019-11-TalentPool Industry and student survey results; next steps.

2019-7-TalentPool The new CIC Talent Pool Committee and Education and Training Committee joined forces to develop and explore solutions to the Recruitment and Retention challenges of our industry

2019-4-Education Critical Practices Beyond Scanning: Ask the Experts (Panel Discussion)

2019-4-Talent Pool A Critical Shortage; New Committee Information

2019-1-Education ADAS/Safety Systems Training Availability and Requirements Panel Discussion – A panel discussion with subject matter experts

2018-10-Education Task Force 1 Update: Review OEM study on Required Training Skills. Task Force 2 Update: Training Credentials follow-up

2018-8-Education Define, Identify & Catalogue Role-based, verifiable credentials / “ADAS & Safety Systems Technician”

2018-4-Education New Task Force Findings & Reviews: #1 OE Hands-on Training, #2 Role Based Credentials

2018-1-Education Industry Survey Results, Task Group Planning

2017-10-Education Technician Survey Results / Assessment / Recommendations

2017-7-Education Survey Data & Preliminary Analysis: Task Force Updates Task Force 1 – Technicians, Task Force 2 – OEM Manufacturer

2017-4-Education Task Force 1: Survey of Shop Personnel; Task Force 2: Survey of Paint Manufacturers and Others

2017-1-Education Survey Review / 2017 Initiatives

2016-8 Education Panel Discussion: In house technical training and development programs that really work

2016-4-Education Repairers Creating Training Programs and Suggestions for Supporting Local CTE

2016-1-Education AMI Update- Jeff Peevy President AMI; Chief Training Delivery Methods- Richard Perry OEM and Strategic Account Sales Manager; I-CAR New Classes and Delivery Methods-Nick Notte Director, Finance and Operations

2014-7-Education Mentoring Career & Technical Education Instructors on Preparing Students to Enter the Workforce

2014-4-Education Isocyanate Emphasis Program, OSHA announced NEP in June of 2013

2014-1-Education Overview of Isocyanates

2013-7-Education CIECA BMS, the value you can’t see – Fred Iantorno, CIECA

2013-4-Education Hazard Communication 2012

2012-4-Education Vehicle Technology Changing the Present and Future – Susanna Gotsch, CCC

2012-11-Education  Demographic Trends Driving Car-Sharing Growth by CCC


Committee Members

Bud Center

Petra Schroeder

Tony Adams
Darrel Amberson
Bob Augustine
Cindy Barlow
Erick Bickett
Matt Boyles
Chris Chesney
Alex Crays
Winston Cover
Brandon Eckenrode
Lisa Ferguson
Todd Grothe
Fred Iantorno
Tom Julius
Kurt Lammon
Gary Lenzmeier
Gene Lopez
Jennifer Maher
Julie Massaro
Chuck Olsen
Jeff Wildman



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