Data Access, Privacy & Security Committee

The following documents and reports were either produced by the CIC Data Access, Privacy & Security Committee or are related to the work of this committee. Click on the appropriate title in order to read or download the document. If you wish to comment on any of these documents or reports, please email the chairman. (This is also the former Open Systems Task Force information.)

Work Products

ADOPTED: Golden Rules of Data Protection and Sharing

Vehicle Data Access, Privacy & Security Presentations

2024-4Data Access: [ppt show] Vehicle History Reports Panel, with Experian – A panel discussion on vehicle history reports and repair facilities, including a representative from Experian. This panel will explore the process to remove data as well deeper insights into data acquisition. 

2023-11Data Access: [ppt show] My EULA, Your EULA, What data, Whose data? – From a panel of industry-leading experts: When using a scan tool or a 3rd party service provider, shops should be aware of what data is available. What data is being accessed and what protection do they have?

2023-7Data Access: [ppt show] EULA’s – WHO, WHAT AND WHEN: Who signed it? What did it say? When did they sign it? – Collision repairers routinely sign end user licensing agreements. In many instances without reading what it said? In some extreme cases, the owner of the shop may not be aware of what his/her employee signed? Or when they signed it. This session will shed light on a few actual examples and answer the Who, What and When.

2023-1Data Access: [ppt show] Data Privacy & Review: Panel Discussion – The Data Access, Privacy & Security Committee will continue exploring and sharing insight on the potential exposure collision repairers have specific to data sharing and chain of custody with a panel of experts. Don’t miss this panel that includes attorneys that specializes in data privacy and review, Steven Bloch (Silver Golub & Teitell) and Manly Parks (Duane Morris)

2022-11Data Access: Understanding the Impacts of Data in the Collision Industry – Two collision repairers will share examples of their customer’s vehicles data being shared without the shops knowledge or permission. They will provide an account of the data flow and articulate how the “chain of custody” breaks down.

2022-7Data Access: Data Control in the Collision Repair Industry – What Shops Need to Know re: Use of the VIN. In a discussion detailing concerns expressed by many collision repairers, this expert panel will dive into where the VIN information could go from the data entry point. They’ll talk about how much consideration
should be given to “Data Control”, issues regarding the customer’s privacy and permissions as well as the legalities swirling around the industry. Even more  concerning is the sharing of the estimate damage with third-party reporting, and the negative impact to the shop and consumer.

2022-4Data Access: Data Access and Control: The Data Access, Privacy and Security Committee will continue discussions on the VIN number in collision repair. There will also be a discussion on data control and what that means to repairers.

2022-1 Data Access (slideshow) 17 Digits and Why They are Coveted

  • To view, click the link to download and view file in PPT Slideshow w/Quicktime Video enabled, and click on the slide to advance.
  • Tips: You can hover over any “black boxes” as videos to see Play button, then click outside of the box to advance slides.

2021-7-DataAccess: Data Access and Business Needs: The Committee will discuss Data Access and real-world business cases that may have relevance to industry stakeholders. The Committee will also present an addition to the Data Access “Golden Rules” for the body to consider.

2021-1-DataAccess: An update on the “Golden Rules” work product opportunity for companies to endorse the best practices on the CIC site. The committee intends to build broader understanding and illustrate what data is capable of being contained within data transactions using standards created by CIECA.

2020-11-DataAccess: Collision Industry Data Protection and Sharing ‘Golden Rules’

2020-7-DataAccess: SPECIAL PRESENTATION, Mitchell Update on EMS/BMS; The Golden Rules of Data for the Collision Industry

2020-1-DataAccess: Company Positions on Data Access, Security and “the Golden Rules”; CCPA Review and Exemptions

2019-11-DataAccess: Items being considered for guide/tutorial; Data use and policy presentations from Enterprise Rental Car and CCC; Introduction of Data Access, Use, and Security Golden Rules.

2019-7-DataAccess: Updates on CA 375, shop data capture related to AB375 (EMS, BMS, other integrations) What does the AB981 amendment mean, What businesses need to consider, PII: what it is, where is it found and who is using the data?

2019-4-DataAccess: California Consumer Privacy Law (CCPA), other states and what a Business needs to consider…

2019-1-DataAccess: The newly formed Data Access, Privacy & Security Committee will host a special presentation from attorney Patrick McGuire on the issues related to data generated from scanning and other safety systems related activities

(Open Systems TF Presentations)

2018-10-Open Systems: Summary of Formation, Activity & Outcomes

2018-1-OpenSystems: Stakeholder Reaction & Outcomes

22017-10-OpenSystems: Impacts of Findings and Positions of Industry Stakeholders

2017-7-OpenSystems2: CCC Secure Share

2017-7-OpenSystems: Findings & Perspectives of Industry Stakeholders

2017-4-OpenSystems: Task Force Accomplishments; Panelists and Topics of Discussion

2017-1-SpecialPresent: [Frank Terlep] CIECA BMS: Industry Standard or a New Way to Control and Centralize Industry Data?

Committee Members


Dan Risley, CCC, 708-250-7718
Trent Tinsley, EHI

Committee Members:

Frank Terlep: Auto Techcelerators
Aaron Schulenburg: SCRS
Rick Palmer: Computerlogic
Kelly Cooper: 1Collision
David Willett: SPARK Underwriters
Jeremy Baines:
Vic Halpin:
Phil Martinez: Mitchell International
Paul Barry: CIECA
John Webb: TenPoint Complete
Jack Rozint: Mitchell
Denise Koukal: LaMettry’s Collision
Pete Tagliapetra: Datatouch
Odum Wu: Tractable
John Vito: Hertz
Brian Plott: ETI
Jeff Schroder: Car-Part
Gabe Morley: OEC
Nick Callum: HeadlightsDepot


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